[SOLVED] Magento 2 Error: A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later.

Sometimes debugging on Magento can be annoying, specially if something just arises out of the blue, not while you are actually writing a code.

Magento Error - Technical Problem with server
If Problem Persists, try again later

This is something that occurs on Magento admin panel. As of now, it can be one out of 3 reasons, let us discuss them:

1. Admin Password

Try to change admin password, log out and log in again. This should fix it.

2. Some un compiled code or pending schema change

upgrade, compile, deploy, reindex, clean cache

rm -rf generated/* var/cache/* var/view_preprocessed/*
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean

3. Check for some extra output in the php files

See Line 41
One of the developers left this in index.php and this was just messing with the api calls from admin panel because it was corrupting json output.


9 responses to “[SOLVED] Magento 2 Error: A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later.”

  1. Usman Avatar

    Resolved the problem with point 3 as I have added ini_set(memory_limit,1024) in index.php.

  2. dt Avatar

    point 1 useful for me

  3. Posfin Peluang Avatar
    Posfin Peluang

    Aw, this was an extremely good post. I solved the issue on my Magento2 store also. It was saying technical problem with the server created an error
    In my case point 1 was the case.

  4. Rimple Avatar

    Unfortunately, none of them worked for me, I tried all. Let me find another solution. I appreciate your support.

    1. Matthias Michaelis Avatar
      Matthias Michaelis

      Nothing worked for me either.
      I am using PageBuilder and getting this error when editing a cms pages ‘content’ area.
      But i am not getting this error when PageBuilder is disabled.

      1. Harshvardhan Malpani Avatar

        I would be glad to help. Please provide more information or some sort of access. Please check your email 🙂

        1. Matthias Michaelis Avatar
          Matthias Michaelis

          Unfortunately (not for me) in my case it was all be done by updating the PageBuilder Component (by Magezon) i am using. I had this error only when PB was enabled and updating it to the latest (1.0.3) version did all the trick.

          i came along some approaches where the code inside of
          should be updated and it should be that in lines 57 and 154 the value of the attribute ‚formElement‘ should be updated from ‚fileUploader‘ to ‚imageUploader‘

          Besides the fact, that in my case this file already had this value for these attributes, please go ahead and keep investigating! Updating magento core files is really bad practice!!!

  5. Willem de Bock Avatar

    Carried out 1 password change no change
    Carried out 2
    Has no error message BUT can’t navagate , or get any response from any menus
    Also the icons are missing on the side menu
    On site not Admin icons for search and next to serach not there ?

  6. Fahad Shafi Avatar

    Few extra line of code in index.php was found after removing it working perfect! Many thanks

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