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Programming Paradigm.

Hi Everyone!

Today we are going to talk about programming paradigm. And in pronounces, the ‘g‘ is silent in ‘paradigm’.

So, in layman’s language programming paradigm is just the style of programming. Their are various styles of programming.

Every developer is different, hence is the style. Here we are about to talk about the most commonly used styles or pattern of programming.

Different Paradigms:

1. Imperative/procedural programming.

Imperative programming consists of sequence of statements and values are stored in memory after the implementation of statements.

Memory utilization is low. And mostly contains Variables & Iterations. Quite simple to implement.

Yet this style of programming has some demerits.

  • Complex problems can not be implemented.
  • Parallel programming is not possible.
  • Less productive.

2. object oriented programming.

Here the data $ functions are bound in one entity called class. In this pattern of programming everything is modeled as object. It follows the modular programming approach.

Mostly known for Data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism. It is also quite easy to debug and modify.

Just one demerit to name is:

Methods (fx) of class are hidden.

3. functional programming.

To be honest this is what I prefer.

Here all the computations are expressed in functions. Complex functions can be developed from a single function.

Due to a re-usable functional approach, this style becomes quite comprehensible. Large number of functions can be mentained.

  • Consumes large amount of time and memory.
  • Not recommended for commercial applications.

4. Logical Programming.

Here the computations are expressed in mathematical logic. It follows the declarative programming approach.

Development is quite fast as it uses true or false (boolean) statements.

Known demerit are:

  • Slow execution
  • True and false can not solve most of the problems.

So, this is it from my side for this article. Please let us know what’s your way of programming.

  • Functional,
  • Logical, or
  • Object oriented.

See you soon in the next article.

Thank You.

Author: Harshvardhan Malpani

PHP Developer based in New Delhi, India. Working as a freelance web developer providing server deployment, website development and maintenance services.

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