A no nonsense notebook for nerds
How to remain updated with changes in web development.
Hello all! In the world of coding, things keep changing and as a developer, you ought to be always updated with new technologies and things coming up. And nowadays changes happen very fast, almost every month something new comes in the world of web development. Today I will be right to the point. This one is…
Understanding Screen resolution.
Hello and welcome everyone. So, straight to the topic. Today we are going to decode the science behind the screen resolution and would also see, how it is calculated? There is no rocket science in this, yet it could be a bit complex for some readers, hence pay attention. Why is it a big deal?…
How to save Windows 10 Lockscreen wallpaper image in laptop?
Windows 10 lockscreen feature is called spotlight and you see new beautiful pictures on your window 10 when ever it is locked. These pics are present in Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy folder and are not having correct extensions as these are raw images and probably microsoft doesnt want them to be indexed in your gallery. So, the process…
Top 7 forums for Web-Developers.
Hi Everyone. Today we will be talking about learnings. For a web-developer learning is a lifelong process. There are various ways, resources, and methods to learn from. But here we gonna talk about one of the most important ways. That is by joining online web-development forums. What is a forum? A forum is an online…
Common PHP.ini directives list for Apache htaccess files
Maximum Execution Time and Maximum Input Time Max Upload file size and Max POST data size Output buffering toggle Expose PHP signature – toggle Maximum Input variables Maximum Memory Limit for PHP Magic Quotes toggle Register Global Variables – useless now Allow remote URL in fopen Max Execution Time for php scripts Set Timezone for…
How to repair a MySQL database?
Hello! Good to see you. This is going to be a very important article because we are about to discuss “How to repair a MySQL database?” Why repair MySQL Database? Databases can become corrupted for any number of reasons, from software defects to hardware issues. If this occurs, you can try to repair the database.…
How to install WordPress manually through Cpanel?
Hello Everyone. This article is a step by step guide to install WordPress manually on your site through Cpanel. Now you might ask, Why would you install it manually? when I can use the auto installer. Offcourse auto-installer is a great feature which reduces our effort. These installers work great in many cases, but often…
How to add file paths in src attribute inside img tag
Hello Everyone. This topic is pretty important because if you got this wrong, you won’t be able to show any images on your web page. After uploading your HTML file & images you have to provide correct path for img src attribute In the previous article, we saw ‘How to upload files and images to…
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