Category: Scripts
A basic time difference calculator in google script js
In your Google Sheet, Click “Tools” and then choose “Script Editor“. Put the code given below. Don’t forget to use function in your result column as “=dodiff(cell1,cell2)“
Convert dropdown attribute to text swatch in Magento2 Admin Panel
Run the following code in console:
How to batch edit multiple images to make square sized pictures with original image in center using php imagejpeg?
How to track qty changes in cart?
This is not CMS or software specific. Can be used for shopify, magento, wordpress or any other cart page Assumption: All the cart items have an input field for quantity in case they want to change qty for any item Assumption:All those input fields can be selected using queryselector. Either they have common name attribute…
How to add qty plus minus buttons in shopify?
Sorry this is not a detailed description but a summary with all code Add available quantities first – as shown in this article – How to show stock quantities in all variants of shopify ^The above part is utmost necessary. because the following functions use previous js variables. So here we go. Good Luck!! javascript…
How to reverse the ids in a mysql table column without breaking primary key constraint?
Let me explain the problem scenario: Let us assume we have a table with 4 columns in it out of which 1 is PRIMARY column and rest 3 contain some data. What we want to do is to reverse the primary key IDs for that data keeping the rest of data intact. It is like…
Magento 2 Multi Select click all code – Tax Rates
Put the following code in console.
How to use .htaccess to run all .html files as .php by using PHP handlers in Apache w/o CGI?
If you are not able to find the correct Handler, Simply create a .php file with the following contents: and run/open this file in browser. Use this output in .htaccess file Create a .htaccess file at the root of your website(usually a folder named public_html or htdocs on linux servers) and add this line: Example…