Tag: magento2
How to get all attributes with all available labels/options in Magento2?
I did a lot of research but could not find a solution for that. so gathered some info and created this code: (it is not the best way to do it, but it works – you can use it at least one time for quick results) the values need to be transformed if you want…
Magento 2 all cli commands
Installing Magento Common Issues
Following are the steps to complete install Magento error-free:- Uncomment the files which are required by Magento in php.ini and restart the server If installation error occurs, set memory_limit = 786M if still error occurs, uninstall the db and make it again after successfull install, go to (root_directory)app/etc/di.xml and change “Symlink” to “Copy” inĀ developerMaterialization section.…
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry Magento 2
Magento 2 – How to manage multi domain website store setup URLs
How to tweak Magento 2 for two letter search in fulltext mode
The problem: Magento 2 wont return any search results if the search token is 2 letters in length. Solution: Alter MySQL conf file. Edit my.cnf file on your server In CentOS, use command and add the following lines: Save using CTRL+x and then restart mysqld service. Now we need to regenerate the index in order…
Remove sku column from Magento 2 invoice and pdf
Edit the file/vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Items/Invoice/DefaultInvoice.php Inside function draw(), remove/comment following code: To remove the SKU header in table header, edit the file/vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Invoice.php and copy the file vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items/order/default.phtmlto app/design/your/theme/Magento_Sales/templates/email/items/order/default.phtmland remove the code
Remove Compare feature from Magento 2
How to remove “Add to Compare” links in sidebar and product page in Magento 2 product pages Magento 2 Community has a default feature of comparison lists for multiple products. Learn how you can disable the “Add to Compare” feature in magento2 community edition. Add the following lines in default.xml of your theme folder
How to create Magento 2 category programmatically?
Use this code: