Tag: developer

  • Developer v/s Hacker v/s Programmer v/s Computer Scientist.

    Hello Everyone! This is going to be very interesting. In this article, I will talk about Hackers, Programmers, Developers, and Computer Scientists. The level of their knowledge and expertise. I will try to keep it simple while explaining their roles in the industry and how they are different from each other and plays a different role. We…

  • The difference b/w Web-Designer and Web-Developer.

    The difference b/w Web-Designer and Web-Developer.

    “Web Designer” and “Web Developer”.  Oftentimes, the two phrases are used interchangeably by someone who is not familiar with the industry. The role of each is completely different from the other. But let’s have a look into the different roles and methods, of both a web designer and a web developer. At present, the boundaries…