Tag: cpanel

  • How to install WordPress manually through Cpanel?

    Hello Everyone. This article is a step by step guide to install WordPress manually on your site through Cpanel. Now you might ask, Why would you install it manually? when I can use the auto installer. Offcourse auto-installer is a great feature which reduces our effort. These installers work great in many cases, but often…

  • Fix Magento 2 – php cli error on cpanel or other hostings

    The problem: On a fresh install of Magento2 on cpanel based hosting, you receive the following error while running any command on SSH The Solution: You have to point php to correct binary;Use the following code in order:First, open the file which can alter the runtime variables like .bash_profile or .bashrc Go to last line…

  • [SOLVED] PHP must be run as a CLI application error : Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    php bin/magento cache:cleanContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8bin/magento must be run as a CLI application as root user, run the following commands (For php v7.0) The solution involves fixing php variable’s path. We need to find which php is being used right now, you can find out by To fix this PHP cli error, see how to edit…

  • How to connect cpanel through SSH

    Following are the steps to connect to cpanel through SSH:- Go to your cpanel and create a public private key-pair, under SSH access->manage keys. 2. Under manage keys section, go on create a new key. 3. Create a key and give key name, key password, key type and key size. 4.  Click on generate keys…

  • How to install wordpress on cPanel

    WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.Features include a plugin architecture and a template system. Follow these steps to install WordPress: Download WordPress Download WordPress from this link:  https://wordpress.org/download/ Create Database Create an empty database for WordPress and specify it’s username and password. Set up Wizard Step 1: Upload the downloaded compressed file on your website root directory…