A no nonsense notebook for nerds
Total inode count for a particular user in linux
Inode usage for current working directory Use cd ~ to change pwd to current user home Reference: Magesh from 2daygeek : https://www.2daygeek.com/linux-check-count-inode-usage/
Radio buttons CSS for wordpress elementor form markup
This unique date 02 02 2020 will come after 1010 years – WRONG MATH
In dd/mm/yyyy format, 2nd February 2020 (02 02 2020) is a palindrome In really common beliefs, whatsapp forwards were filled with this number being so rare and unique. However it would be stupid to say that such a rare date will occur only after 1010 years. Here is how: In whole millennium (1000 years), first…
10 tips for better freelancing
How to improve yourself as a freelancer? Here are 10 points to take care of: Communication Skills – convincing power Make yourself a brand, your ethics will define your future in freelancing. This will help you in scaling also Consistency, Focus and Dedication Productivity is Gold, know your value, do math and target for a…
How to migrate Customers from Magento2 to WordPress?
Lets break it into 2 parts: a. Migrate Customer datab. Migrate Customer Passwords 1) Migrate Customer Data from Magento2 to WordPress This is rather easy to be honest, there are several plugins for importing data from CSV and then mapping the CSV fields. My recommended plugin is Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite by SkyVerge It basically…
How to solve MySQL server gone away error Maria Db update on cPanel and WHM?
This is related to new MariaDb upgrade from 10.1.41 to 10.1.42 and also for servers which were updated from 10.2.27 to 10.2.28 Go to solution ( Special Thanks to @Valetia ) You will see errors in following formats/messages: No file or input found MySQL Server has gone away Connection to MySQL Server failed sqlstate[hy000]: general…
A basic time difference calculator in google script js
In your Google Sheet, Click “Tools” and then choose “Script Editor“. Put the code given below. Don’t forget to use function in your result column as “=dodiff(cell1,cell2)“
Convert dropdown attribute to text swatch in Magento2 Admin Panel
Run the following code in console:
How to change attribute dropdown type to multi-select in Magento 2?
Short Answer: Not possible via Magento2 Admin Backend. Solution: You need to update eav_attribute table and edit information about backend_source, frontend_input etc. Simple query for that is: Replace YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_ID_INTEGER with your attribute_id like 355 Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57701845/2229148
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