A no nonsense notebook for nerds

  • Top 10 code editor mobile apps. – 2018.

    Are you a programmer, a developer who writes a lot of code,  Or you could be someone who is just trying to be one. However you are related to writing code, you are probably doing it through your laptop or PC. But what if I say that you can code right through your phone. I…

  • [Forgot Password] [Can’t Log In] How to reset WordPress admin password without sending reset email?

    So, admit it. We put really strong passwords and then we forget them. And you end up being locked out of your own website. So here is how you can reset it quickly. Go to your hosting control panel and then go to phpMyAdmin if available. Look into the database which is being used for…

  • List of really good and important plugins for WordPress

    I am listing a few common yet very useful plugins we can utilize for our WordPress websites: Limit Login Attempts Limit the number of login attempts that possible both through the normal login as well as using the auth cookies. WordPress by default allows unlimited login attempts either through the login page or by sending…

  • Fix Magento 2 – php cli error on cpanel or other hostings

    The problem: On a fresh install of Magento2 on cpanel based hosting, you receive the following error while running any command on SSH The Solution: You have to point php to correct binary;Use the following code in order:First, open the file which can alter the runtime variables like .bash_profile or .bashrc Go to last line…

  • WordPress Hierarchy – Important Files and Directories

    wp-config.php file contains all information about your database connection and some salts which are used for password generation index.php handles all the requests on your wordpress blog wp-content/themes contains all the themes installed in your blog wp-content/plugins contains all the plugins installed in your blog yourblog.com/wp-login.php or yourblog.com/wp-admin/ can be used for logging into wordpress…

  • How to add colon separated hours in PHP using explode function twice?

    Problem Statement Tracking hours for multiple days are available in HH:MM:SS format separated by tab element. Add all the time to show total hours worked/tracked.

  • A list of few productivity plugins and useful websites for web developers

    Browser Extensions 1. To know the platform and background details of any website – use Wappalyzer (chrome extension) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wappalyzer/gppongmhjkpfnbhagpmjfkannfbllamg?hl=en 2. To protect privacy over internet, use privacy badger (chrome extension) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/privacy-badger/pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp 3. To get away with distractions, use stayfocusd (chrome extension) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stayfocusd/laankejkbhbdhmipfmgcngdelahlfoji 4. You hate CORS warnings in console, to get rid of them, use…

  • How to get all attributes with all available labels/options in Magento2?

    I did a lot of research but could not find a solution for that. so gathered some info and created this code: (it is not the best way to do it, but it works – you can use it at least one time for quick results) the values need to be transformed if you want…

  • WordPress Dashboard – Introduction by newbie

    Dashboard Panel When you will log into the administration area of your blog, you’ll see the WordPress Dashboard which will display the overview of the whole website.  You can customize your needs by using some quick links such as writing quick draft, replying to latest comment, etc. Dashboard Menu The WordPress Dashboard provides a navigation menu…

  • Extracting names from given list of URLs (using regex)

    let us extract name form the URL paste the URL in the notepad and press crtl+f , and select ‘regular expressions ‘ from search mode now, enter the regex in the find tab to fetch names Now, the selected name will be fetched form regex as (\1). it can work on numerous links like:- And…

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