Where are customizer settings stored in db for wordpress theme?

How to clone customizer settings in child theme from parent theme?

The customizer data is stored in table wp_options under option_name theme_mods_THEME-NAME

you can view all such settings via the following query:

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE `option_name` LIKE "theme_mods_%"

In some cases, you just want to use parent theme’s settings in newly added child theme. If that is your case too, use the following queries to utilize and close those settings for your child theme also.

update `wp_options` set `option_name`="theme_mods_YOURCHILDTHEME_backup" where `option_name`="theme_mods_YOURCHILDTHEME";
insert into `wp_options` (`option_name`,`option_value`,`autoload`) select "theme_mods_YOURCHILDTHEME",`option_value`,"yes" from `wp_options` where `option_name`="theme_mods_PARENTTHEME";

The following one is a bit risky one. If you understand what is going on here, go ahead.

delete from `wp_options` where `option_name`="theme_mods_YOURCHILDTHEME";
insert into `wp_options` (`option_name`,`option_value`,`autoload`) select "theme_mods_YOURCHILDTHEME",`option_value`,"yes" from `wp_options` where `option_name`="theme_mods_PARENTTHEME";

How to disable products in Magento2 which dont have any gallery image?

UPDATE `catalog_product_entity_int` SET `value`=2 where `entity_id` in (SELECT a.`entity_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS a LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value` AS b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery` AS c ON b.value_id = c.value_id WHERE c.value IS NULL) and `attribute_id` = 96

It is SQL query


value=2 means disable and value=1 means enable

attribute_id=96 means “status” attribute




Some of the most important SQL commands.

SQL, Structured Query Language, is a programming language designed to manage data stored in relational databases. SQL operates through simple, declarative statements. This keeps data accurate and secure, and it helps maintain the integrity of databases, regardless of size.

Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements.

SQL commands are grouped into four major categories depending on their functionality:

  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Transaction Control Language (TCL)
  • Data Control Language (DCL)



SELECT column_name 
FROM table_name;

SELECT statements are used to fetch data from a database (
extracts data from a database ). Every query will begin with SELECT.


ALTER TABLE table_name 
ADD column_name datatype;

ALTER TABLE lets you add columns to a table in a database.
Modifies a table.


SELECT column_name,
    WHEN condition THEN 'Result_1'
    WHEN condition THEN 'Result_2'
    ELSE 'Result_3'
FROM table_name;

CASE statements are used to create different outputs (usually in the SELECT statement). It is SQL’s way of handling if-then logic.


CREATE TABLE table_name (
  column_1 datatype, 
  column_2 datatype, 
  column_3 datatype

CREATE TABLE creates a new table in the database. It allows you to specify the name of the table and the name of each column in the table.

We have an entire article on creating tables in MySQL. https://tutes.in/creating-a-table-in-phpmyadmin-xampp-server/


INSERT INTO table_name (column_1, column_2, column_3) 
VALUES (value_1, 'value_2', value_3);

INSERT statements are used to add a new row to a table.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value;

WHERE is a clause that filters the result set to include only rows where the specified condition is true.


UPDATE table_name
SET some_column = some_value
WHERE some_column = some_value;

UPDATE statements allow you to edit rows in a table.


SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_1 = value_1
  AND column_2 = value_2;

AND is an operator that combines two conditions. Both conditions must be true for the row to be included in the result set.


SELECT column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name = value_1
   OR column_name = value_2;

OR is an operator that filters the result set to only include rows where either condition is true.

These were the most common and basic SQL commands. There are many more commands in SQL.

Thank You.

Simple joining of data from two different tables on basis of a common key

SELECT a.user_id,a.meta_value,b.user_login FROM `e_usermeta` a,`e_users` b where a.meta_key="phoneno" and a.user_id=b.ID
SELECT a.user_id,a.meta_value,b.user_pass,b.user_login FROM `e_usermeta` a,`e_users` b where a.meta_key="phoneno" and a.user_id=b.ID order by b.user_login
UPDATE `wp_users` a,`tmptable` b SET a.`user_pass`=b.`usp` where a.`user_login`=b.`ulogin`;

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry Magento 2

SELECT u.value_id,u2.value_id, u.attribute_id, u.entity_id, u.value
FROM catalog_product_entity_int u, catalog_product_entity_int u2
WHERE u.entity_id = u2.entity_id AND u.attribute_id = u2.attribute_id AND u.value= u2.value and u.value_id<u2.value_id

DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_int
WHERE value_id IN (
    SELECT u.value_id as value_id
FROM catalog_product_entity_int u, catalog_product_entity_int u2
WHERE u.entity_id = u2.entity_id AND u.attribute_id = u2.attribute_id AND u.value= u2.value and u.store_id=u2.store_id and u.value_id<u2.value_id