Category: Scripts
How to setup / enable Directory index listing?
When a web browser is pointed to a directory on your website which does not have an index.html file in it, the files in that directory can be listed on a web page. Directory Lister is a simple PHP script that lists the contents of any web-accessible directory and allows navigating therewithin. Simply upload Directory…
How to edit default python version for a linux user?
Edit the bash profile and add an alias using the following code Put the following line of code in .bashrc file and alter the python3.6 path as per your new installation Use CTRL x to exit and save After that you need to reload the source, so use the following command and you are good…
How to increase EBS storage block size on a running spot instance in AWS?
So, you created a aws group with a small ebs storage size and now that the site is in production, storage disk is full and it was mounted as root storage, now you are asking “MY AWS INSTANCE STORAGE IS FULL, WHAT TO DO?”or “How do I increase the EBS volume size of a running…
Removing extra digits after decimal and leave only two decimal places
your first match will leave the number with max 2 decimal digits. So find with ^(.*?\..?.?).*?$ and replace with \1 Input Output:
How to save Windows 10 Lockscreen wallpaper image in laptop?
Windows 10 lockscreen feature is called spotlight and you see new beautiful pictures on your window 10 when ever it is locked. These pics are present in Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy folder and are not having correct extensions as these are raw images and probably microsoft doesnt want them to be indexed in your gallery. So, the process…
How to add colon separated hours in PHP using explode function twice?
Problem Statement Tracking hours for multiple days are available in HH:MM:SS format separated by tab element. Add all the time to show total hours worked/tracked.
Extracting names from given list of URLs (using regex)
let us extract name form the URL paste the URL in the notepad and press crtl+f , and select ‘regular expressions ‘ from search mode now, enter the regex in the find tab to fetch names Now, the selected name will be fetched form regex as (\1). it can work on numerous links like:- And…
MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist
Why this error happens? Most of the times, reason is that your database dump through command line or PhpMyAdmin or even other libraries can have SQL’s Definer statements. Now, as per MySQL’s Official Documentation: The DEFINER clause specifies the MySQL account to be used when checking access privileges at routine execution time for routines that have the SQL…
Magento 2 all cli commands
RPM repo not found connection errors on Centos Redhat duplicate problems
yum -y update command failing Command line will show messages like xxx is outdated and v abc will be installed but at the end it shows duplicate binary, please remove duplicate first. Process Backup first Integrity Check Find Problems Identify duplicates Clean duplicates re build conf cache update command remove backup file .prev if successfully…